The EduTrust Certification (EduTrust) is a quality control scheme for Independent Educational Facilities (PEIs) in Singapore that is operated by CPE. Its goal is to identify private schools that can consistently sustain a high level of quality in the entire provision of educational services and make continuous changes that contribute to great student performance.
Criteria for the EduTrust Certification Scheme
The EduTrust Certification has seven requirements. Each criterion contains several sub-criteria plus items, clearly explaining each item’s needs. Dedication and Responsibilities of Management This criterion looks at how the PEI shows commitment to achieving its goal and how it plans for the future. Management and Governance Framework To provide quality care provided, this criterion explores how the PEI accomplishes efficiency and productivity in the planning of requirements and internal and resources, costs and benefits associated, governance, information flows, data management and personal privacy, edutrust certification, and feedback, as well as people, complaining
Agents of External Recruitment
This criterion looks at how the PEI efficiently picks, manages, and assesses its local and international external recruiting agents. This is to guarantee that the agents provide excellent service to potential students and do not indulge in any deception or unethical behavior. Services for Student Safety and Support this criteria looks at how the Fee Protection Scheme protects students, as well as student contracts and refunds, course transfer, edutrust certification withdrawal, and deferral procedures. It also looks at how the PEI wants to improve student well-being through student support to facilitate a holistic education. Academic Procedures and Student Evaluatio.This is a criterion looks at how the PEI sets up systems to guarantee that the courses it offers to match the requirements and expectations of students and industry.
It looks at how the PEI chooses and accepts competent students to its courses, how assessment is used to assess student learning outcomes, and how the PEI controls and supervises academic staff lesson delivery overall student learning.
This criterion looks at how the PEI puts up mechanisms for measuring and tracking student and graduate outcomes, such as academic achievement, advancement, and graduate employability (if applicable). It also looks at how the PEI compares student and graduate achievements to those of similar institutions, as well as national and worldwide standards, in terms of improving and achieving good outcomes. If appropriate, edutrust certification is the Post-graduation Survey (GES) performance of PEI students is also assessed.