Whether drinking wine for a long time or are just getting started, good wine storage is critical to getting the most satisfaction from each bottle. Add a wine fridge, whether it’s a built-in wine cooler for the kitchen or a freestanding wine freezer for a specialized wine cellar.
Wine storage
Wine is a fragile and unprocessed product. If not properly preserved, the wine, like the fruits from which it is manufactured, would eventually rot. When wine oxidizes, the molecules that give it its unique flavors and smells degrade, presenting with something that tastes very much like vinegar over wine.
- Light
Wine can be harmed by UV radiation in the same way that it can harm skin. The delicate chemicals in wine will break down if exposed to too much sunshine, resulting in a wine that does not taste exactly as intended. The importance of storing wine in a climate-controlled environment with little exposure to the sun as well as artificial light cannot be overstated.
- Temperature
The ideal temperature for wine storage is 55 degrees, which is similar to the year-round conditions found underground. In the days before refrigeration, caves and true cellars were the primary wine storage facilities because they made it simple to retain wine at some of these temperatures.
Wine serving temperatures
Another reason to consider investing in a wine fridge is to ensure that wine is at its best when the person ready to consume it. Whenever it comes to the serving temperatures, wines can be divided into three categories:
- Red Wines: Red wines are traditionally served at ambient temperature. Houses today are kept significantly warmer than they had been in the past, therefore this means approximately 60 as well as 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
- White Wines: White wines are usually better served chilled, but it’s not so chilly that the delicate notes are lost. These must be served at a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Sparkling Wines: When it comes to carbonated beverages, the colder the better. 40 degrees is ideal for Champagne as well as other sparkling wines.
There was a lot to consider when purchasing a wine refrigerator. While shopping, keep all of these considerations in mind so that the options can be limited down and select the perfect variety of attributes for the wine fridge. There is no such thing as a perfect wine cooler; the greatest wine cooler is one that offers all of the features desired at an affordable price point.